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Bäume und Berge

“In order to control a system one needs to gain knowledge of it.

The same is true of our soul.” 


for men

But not like this...

Sitzung beim Psychologen
Natur Feuerstelle als Praxis

This is more like it!


Here you'll find an unconventional, strength oriented, christian-based counseling

specific for men. You will be: 

Equipped with practical tools

Enabled with personal wisdom

Empowered with persistent confidence

Gain deeper insight and strengthen yourself for what's next in life! 

Together we'll develop new life strategies. 

The fire pit is my office and you're welcome to join me there.

On request I will come to a fire pit near you.


Due to the fact that I am currently still studying at

the ICL Institute (

the counseling session is still free of charge. 

My name is Justus Plüss and I am passionate about empowering men!

Born in Switzerland I grew up in a bilingual, bicultural family, living in both America and Switzerland. Eleven years of leadership in the youth ministry of my local church showed me the effect that empowering young men had, which lead me to the world of counseling.

I am happily married living in Glattfelden.

Justus Plüss
Über mich
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